Good morning, I'm Allen Wan - today's email address
Mailing Address:
Allen Wan
13904 Josey Ln #810891
Dallas TX 75381
1-877-456-1379 (toll-free, U.S. only)
+1 817-987-6645
Free DVD with PDFs of Google patents
If you would like to see the Google patents that I discussed on Patently-O,
I'll gladly send you a DVD with OCRed PDFs of the patents so you can check
them out for yourself.
Information about the "RS-232" serial port on the HP 50g
Free Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 Hard Drive Unbricking Service
Some Interesting Links:
URL to QR Code script
I'm a firm believer that if other people want to give me money,
I should have a means to accept such misguided desires.